What is a Comprehensive Plan and how will it be used?

    The Comprehensive Plan is a guide for the City of Louisville to help ensure development and growth in the City is consistent with the vision and priorities of the residents, workers, business owners, and other members of the Louisville community. A comprehensive plan promotes the community's vision, goals, objectives, and policies, establishes a process for orderly growth and development, addresses both current and long-term needs, and provides for a balance between the natural and built environment in alignment with the community vision.

    Why is the City going through this process?

    A Comprehensive Plan is required per Colorado Revised Statute 30-28-106 and 31-23-206. The City's code (LMC) also requires an update every ten years, and it's been ten years (see LMC Sec. 17.64.050). Elements addressed in a comprehensive plan may include: recreation and tourism (as required by state statutes), transportation, land use, economic development, affordable housing, environment, parks and open space, natural and cultural resources, hazards, capital improvements, water supply and conservation, efficiency in government, sustainability, energy and urban design. These types of documents are also well suited to creating a holistic (comprehensive!) guide that can make future policies, code updates, and developments more effective and compatible with a community’s vision. 

    What is the timeline for the Comprehensive Plan process?

    Work on this plan began in fall of 2023 and is anticipated to be completed by mid-2025.

    Who is working on the plan and how were they selected?

    The City of Louisville selected Design Workshop through a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process, as the primary consultant to develop this plan. Design Workshop is working in partnership with Fehr & Peers for transportation planning, Economic Planning Systems (EPS) for economic assessment, and Spirit Environmental for environmental assessment.

    Who are the stakeholders that will be engaged during the planning process?

    To create the Comprehensive Plan, the City and Design Workshop will engage with numerous stakeholder groups in the community. This will include a series of focus group conversations with technical experts on a variety of plan topics form housing to transportation, as well as numerous City boards and commissions who will work collaboratively with the project and provide guidance and high-level perspective throughout the life of the project.  

    How can I engage in the process?

    The community will have an opportunity to provide input and feedback through a community survey in early 2024, pop up events in the community, and two open house events at key milestones. There will be opportunities to engage virtually as well as in-person. For now, we encourage those interested in register for project updates under the "Subscribe" link on the project page. 

    We hope to see you at one of the community workshops in the coming months and look forward to your participation in the community survey. The community’s feedback will be a foundation of the final Comprehensive Plan. Once the plan is complete it will be presented as part of a public hearing in front of Planning Commission and City Council. In addition to the engagement during the plan drafting process, the community will be given an opportunity to voice their opinions and provide input at these meetings. 

    Does the Comprehensive Plan change the land use designation or zoning of my property?

    The Comprehensive Plan is a policy document and does not change any existing zoning designations. It gives the community, staff, and decision makers a guide for evaluating future development.